Page 8 - Outer Cape Health Services - IMPACT - Fall 2017
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OCHS Puts Cape Air Editor
Back On Track to Good Health
When the lab test results from Haynes recovered from
a routine but overdue physical surgery and returned to
came back, there was an work. Then came New
abnormal elevation on one of the Year’s 2017. Once again,
readings. Sue Roderick was alert and
decisive in treating Haynes.
“I said, it’s impossible. I feel great,”
according to longtime Outer “It was right after the New
Cape Health patient Michelle Year, and I didn’t feel well,”
Haynes. “Luckily my Nurse remembers Haynes. “I
Practitioner Sue Roderick insisted chalked it up to not getting
on further tests.” enough sleep the night
before. A good friend
Historically speaking, Haynes, came to see me and he
an ebullient and busy Director immediately said ‘we’re
of Communications of Cape going to the clinic’” which, Michelle Haynes, also pictured on cover with
Sue Roderick, her Nurse Practitioner.
Air/Nantucket Airlines, was for Haynes, is literally in her
not a fully compliant patient— Provincetown backyard.
inconsistent in booking and “Thank God for Sue Roderick:
keeping appointments for routine “Sue Roderick had me at Cape twice in one year and neither
examinations and follow ups. “I Cod Hospital within an hour time did she send me home with
take no medicine of any kind. I am and a half. It was very bad. I aspirin; and she never had her
disgustingly healthy. If I think of it, was very sick. It turned out to hand on the door when I saw her.
I’ll take a vitamin,” shares Haynes be a kidney infection that shut She listens and looks you in the
whose Italian mother lived to age down my system.” The telling eye.”
97. “When they would urge me to diagnosis: Haynes was in an early
get a mammogram, then maybe I stage of sepsis—a life-threatening Since those two health scares,
would go in, but that was it.” condition that arises when the Haynes is back to her old self,
body’s response to infection but careful to maintain a healthy
But it was Roderick’s tenacious causes injury to its own tissues work-life balance. “I am now
follow-up lab work that and organs. a more compliant patient. I
confirmed that Haynes had an now follow Sue’s advice to the
abnormal parathyroid requiring “The urologist who saw me in letter. I am drinking more fluids,
removal. The diagnosis led her to Hyannis quickly put a stent in me getting my regular checkups, and
be operated on at OCHS affiliate because of a large blockage from mammograms and dermatology
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical a kidney stone infection. A week exams. “It doesn’t make sense
Center (BIDMC). “The Boston later, I had to return to remove not to. I could have been in
BIDMC surgeon told me that he the stone.” serious physical jeopardy if I
was impressed with Roderick’s hadn’t listened to her and taken
reading: ‘She had a sharp eye to For a healthy 67-year-old with her direction.”
see that,’ he told me. “All the tests familial longevity, it was time for
were fine except that one little Haynes to take pause.
We hear them every day: positive comments from grateful patients who have received expert, compassionate care from OCHS providers and staff.
Do you have a personal experience to share for a future newsletter? We’d love to hear from you.
Email Gerry Desautels at or call 508-905-2853.
269 Chatham Road 3130 State Hwy Route 6 49 Harry Kemp Way
Mailing address: P.O. Box 598, Harwich Port, MA 02646