Page 3 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 10
P. 3
The USC, Ultimate Smoking Championship
name, came about from my mate Tinus
USC started about 2-3 years ago, we made Ludick. One day we were sitting at the
an animation post that said “tag your pub having a beer, he will have a joint now
biggest stoner”. That post went semi-viral and then but he is not really a partaker,
and people were saying “I am the biggest he doesn’t smoke. This name came from
smoker and I will smoke.” Then there was a him, he was dipping his fingers in slap
guy tagging his buddy, saying he was the chips and with a mouth full of chips he was
biggest smoker and then we thought wow writing on the table USC and I looked at
we should start a competition! We started him and asked, what are you talking
planning and started off small with 10 or 20 about? And then it hit me and I ran to
people and we had some prizes. After that register the name and did all the
lockdown happened and the idea kind of got trademarks, got everything ready and up
away because lockdown was almost a year and going. We took off, it was supposed
long. Then we decided to start planning to be a small smoke off, 20-30 people in
again. We saw a couple of BongeTongs Gauteng and so we created the event,
happening and we thought, We need to do posted it, didn’t think much of it, lekker
this now! We need to do this big! We need little event we are going to run.
to do this hard and we need to set the
precedent and so that’s what we did! 48 hours later we had like 50
contestants and 72 hours later it was
almost 60 and then we were like “wow we
got to rethink this”. I was saying to my
colleague we need to rethink this and
BOOM! Cape-Town was like what about
us? Where is our competition? We then
started an event for Cape-Town to see
how many contestants we could get and
after that we got 50 paid contestants.
Now we are on our way to Cape-Town and
we are on our way to KZN. We are only in
3 provinces in 2021 USC. Our goal here
was to create a platform for the
awareness and upliftment of the up and
coming brands, people looking for a face,
a place within the cannabis industry who
doesn't have the means. They are posting,
they are going to the markets and they
are doing what they can.