Page 6 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 10
P. 6
In essence of the Mlungu drive this USC
Congratulations to Christo who won the was only an excuse to create a platform for
USC Gauteng. Top 6 Smokers in Gauteng the awareness and upliftment of the
are the Gauteng quiq 6. We hope USC cannabis industry. Our drive mainly is to
grows and expands into more provinces in have fun and to bring the community
2022 if finances allow it. A huge thanks together, a lot of the feedback that I got
to Colin from Daggabay Magazine for was, the community saying, “wow, that
coming out there and taking some photos massive networking. Wow, lots of friends
and giving us some limelight. A big thanks we have created. A big thanks to Dagga
to each and every individual, that took the Dutches for coming all the way from Cape
time and made the effort to share this.
town. Dagga Duke came down from Cape-
Town. The bongs were sponsored by
I have a voice note from one of our mates smokey eyes in Cape-Town, big thanks to
where he asks, Tim , how did you get this AP verhoef for being my co-host. Big
right? Everyone in the country, in the thanks to all the sponsors.
entire South-Africa is smoking bongs on
our USC whatsapp group. We were doing I am just thankful for everybody that
between 50 and 150 bong rips a day at one helped, without the people playing that vital
stage. I couldn't download enough of them role this would have not been a possibility ,
to put on facebook and instagram because so I really wanna give a HUGE thanks to
there were just too many videos. From my every person, every Brand, every person
side it was a humbling experience and I that took the time to share, I am forever
learned a lot. It was a hell of a lot of work. grateful and lets build on the USC it is a
Big ups to MilfWeed for playing a role they professional platform we are treating it as
were almost like my 2IC, helping me here such, obviously it was a lot of work.
and there where they could. Andre and
Lindy from Weedfairy also played a large
role and they never complained, they
continually asked “Tim where can we help?
What can we do?” I really appreciate it. Big
shout out to Jelly Bottle Media for the
media, it was quite a lot of money. I just
want to say thank you to all the sponsors
because without them it wouldn't have been