Page 4 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 10
P. 4

This was a registered event with the city                   They  put  out  a  message  saying  that
     of  Tshwane,  we  had  compliance                           whoever  is  in  their  group  is  allowed  to

     certificates,  we  had  a  SAPS  risk                       sponsor and be part of the USC but a lot
     categorisation  level  of  low  ,  we  almost               of them pulled out, Die Joint pulled out,

     had some SAPS members there to come                         Tiny Town pulled out and together they

     check  and  enjoy  the  day  with  us,  but                 pulled  out  about  R10  000  of
     that  didn't  work  out.  It  was  held  at                 sponsorship.  My  fight  with  them  is  not
     Swartkops lapa in Centurion                                 over,  they  committed  to  sponsorship,

                                                                 which made me commit to other things.

     This  event  was  by  the  people  for  the                 In writing on my whatsapp, they said they
     people,  we  sorry  we  had  to  charge,                    will take care of certain things, based on

     there  was  a  lot  of  overhead,  like                     their  commitment  we  then  arranged
     medics  ,  generators,  the  venue,  the                    other things like the videography that is

     videography, the list goes on and on.                       close to R30 000.

     The cash prize was R5000 and a whole                        The event cost me R20 000 out of my
     different type of stuff from sponsors. I                    own  pocket.  The  repercussions  of  the

     would  have  really  liked  to  get  the                    negative attitude from Grow One Africa
     sponsors to the 15- R20 000 mark  for                       had quite a negative impact on our show

     the first prize but unfortunately that did                  to which they don’t actually understand

     not happen. Grow  One Africa put a big                      the  full  negative  impact,  that  also
     stunt  in  this,  they  did  not  realize  that             resulted  in  Onder  die  boom  and  Chieba

     pulling out their sponsorship, they pulled                  pulling out. They had a negative impact,
     out  about  R10  000  sponsorship,  which                   quite  a  lot  of  vendors  paid  and  did  not

     lead to a huge dent in our social media                     show  up,  Contestants  paid  and  did  not
     followers, we could see the google stats                    show  up  and  quite  a  lot  of  spectators

     on  Google  analytics,  Facebook analytics                  paid and did not show up. Because of the
     and Instagram analytics all going down.                     negative  connotation  that  Grow  one

     They  said  they  couldn't    associate                     Africa  attached  to  our  event,  a  lot  of
     themselves  with  us  because  we  do  not                  people did not arrive.

     portray  responsible  smoking.  That
     internally  put  a  huge  dent  in  our

     following  and  on  the  day  they  did  not
     realize  how  big  they  affected  us  in  a

     negative way.
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