Page 5 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 10
P. 5
I did have a discussion with these guys, Mlungu South-Africa has always done
saying lets see how we can shape this, brand upliftment and brand awareness for
lets see how we can mold this so that it free. Tiny Town had the audacity to turn
can benefit us both. This thing started around and pull their sponsorship after
inside one of Grow One Africa’s clubs. everything that we have done. Drove far to
They promote bong hits in their grow club Midrand to support Tiny Town and buy
and get stoned and do things but they are stuff from their shop in support of them.
not for our smoking thing. They are very
much hypocritical, they say they are not I myself drove to Die Joint Koffee Huis, I
for certain things, they are for bought drums and other equipment from
responsible smoking. If you heard me on them, I spent more than R60 000 at their
our show, I would often continue talking shop and they pulled out their
about keeping this responsible. Pushing sponsorship. Our journey with them is not
responsible smoking onto the cannabis over. I’m not for Grow one Africa. They
community, we didn't have one problem are not for the community like they say
that day. There was a lady who’s blood they are, they are for the stoners and
pressure dropped but that was because they smoke bongs. I think they were
of old age and possibly diabetes, not jealous because the USC was everywhere
cannabis related. After that there were on social media and it was everywhere in
no incidents, it was all cool and clean. South-Africa. Obviously we are going to
rise above this and show them a couple of
I just want to say Grow One Africa say things. People who normally don’t smoke
they are for the community, but they are bongs, sent us videos of smoking.
not. They are not for the community, I did
ask them, I said guys let’s hold hands and
let’s grow, let’s do this and they just
turned around and pulled out. They are
not for responsible smoking although they
say so. They also say they are not for this
type of smoking but inside their clubs
they do it on a large scale.
We did a massive videography and editing
and live streaming. A client came to me
with a 100 seed drop, when Tiny Town
opened I arranged a whole event for them
and that should have cost them about
R12 000 and we did it for free.