P. 15

I have a reasonable command of the English language, and I’m not a complete idiot, but I
     have no idea what this meant. So, I decided the best thing was to go to the shop and talk to
     the guys who are supposed to know about these things and leave it to them.
     But even the experts can be wrong and modern technology can let you down.
     I have a Kindle and I recently bought three eBooks from Amazon but only one of them was
     delivered wirelessly to my device. The other two were wandering around somewhere in cyber
     space. So, I popped off an email to Amazon who invited me to an online chat. We were mes-
     saging back and forth for a bit before they told me that they were having a little technical
     issue, but the books would arrive in a couple of days.
     When the books still hadn’t arrived a week later, I sent another email. I was invited to an-
     other online chat but I declined, because I didn’t see the point in going over the same ground
     again. So, I asked them to just refer to the previous conversation.
     A week later I was back on to Mr. Amazon again and this time, the problem had shifted. Now
     they told me that the technical issue was on my side and I was advised to deregister my
     Kindle and then reregister it. I could see this leading to all sorts of complications so I just de-
     cided to cut my losses and forget about it. As soon as I made that decision, the books arrived
     in the Kindle, all by themselves.
     This was good news because I was just about to throw it away.

         Read more from Trevor on his blog at
                    East Cork Cinema Club October Screening

     East Cork Cinema Club will be screening the award winning film ‘The Nile Hilton Incident’
     (Sweden/Egypt) on Monday 15th Oct.
     Screening at the Great Island Community Centre (Top Room).

     Doors 7.30pm, Screening 8 pm. General Admission €8 Members, OAPs, & unwaged €6. Com-
     plimentary food and wine included. Contact facebook ,or Tel 0861522952
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