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organise. Let us organise together so that people do not feel like resources but are respected
as unique individuals with the capacity to contribute authentically and collaboratively and
bring diverse perspectives to any challenge.
We must become learning organisations and sustain our continuous learning mindset, even
when times are hard. Learning is not just for smooth waters. We need learning and reflection
even more urgently whenever we face a crisis. Learning means continuously responding to
the stimuli from outside us, as well as listening to the people and creativity within. It means
taking time to reflect on what has gone before and what is still to come. Learning and
reflection are both individual and collaborative activities. Both must be conscious and
proactive activities. Some of your organisations and movements are divided geographically,
in different places across the world. With this separation comes creativity. There is much that
can be done in today’s world through new technologies to connect us.
Our organisations today need to be proactive in their leadership. Whatever our missions,
visions and purposes we must be thought leaders first and action leaders second and learn to
be confident to challenge when we see actions that are wrong, harmful, unjust or destructive.
To take our place in society and to lead others we must influence: sometimes boldly,
sometimes gently, sometimes politically and sometimes simply through the example of our
own actions. As leaders we are always watched by others. What we do is worth ten times
what we say.
In writing this book we have sought to work together as authors and editors in the ways that
we propose in the chapters of this book. We have learned a lot from this experiment. Taking
a human, reflective, soulful, collaborative and proactive approach in our conversations, we
have come together in the spirit of learning and shared endeavour. We have sought to anchor
our ideas not in the limitations of a Western mindset but adopting as far as possible lenses
that are worldly and embracing diversity.
Above all, we wanted to ensure that the quest and struggle for a more sustainable world lies
at the heart of every chapter. Social justice and the sustainability of our planet are our
overarching purpose, and we know we share this purpose with our readers. We look forward
to your feedback and thank you for continuing this journey together.