Page 14 - Luce 2015
P. 14

J unior  C o mmon  Ro om

                                                              Harvey Pascoe (centre) leads the charge in men’s hockey

         From the Student Club President

          Thinking back on my time at College, it only makes sense to
          start right at the beginning of my relationship with Janet Clarke
          Hall. My tour of JCH four years ago convinced me that it was
          the place I could call home in Melbourne. The main reasons
          I decided to choose JCH remain the three stand out points of
          my time at College. JCH fosters community, nurtures talent,
          leadership and academic excellence and is a vibrant place
          to live.
          If I were asked for a single word to describe JCH it would
          be ‘community’. The supportive and accepting environment
          fostered by JCH students and staff alike is something I definitely
          recognised when I first walked through the doors and came to   Elise joins the Fellowship of the Ring  O-Week Tutor Party
          appreciate over these last three years. It is rare to live in such
          a place as College where the bookends of a day are breakfast
          discussions, debates and quizzes and then formal hall with
          incredible musical performances.

          Nurturing talent, leadership and academic excellence
          Being part of a community of driven people is inspiring and
          opens opportunities to explore new interests and share ideas.
          JCH actively encourages participation and promotes stepping
          out of your comfort zone to try something new and those
          who do so are applauded enthusiastically for their efforts. The
          speakers during my time at JCH, particularly at Leadership
          Dinner, have highlighted the importance of challenging yourself
          to investigate what you see around you and to be inspired by   O-Week Ring
          those who lead change. This year Elizabeth Broderick made an
          excellent speech and inspired the JCH community to continue
          leading through action.

          College is undoubtedly busy. With a relatively small cohort of
          students everyone at JCH is always involved in something. I was
          keen to try all the sports College had to offer in my first year,
          and boy was there a lot on offer. The great part about JCH is
          that there is something for everyone and plenty of opportunities
          to try something new.

          A few stand out events in 2015 were the College Ball and the
          brilliant performance of ‘Peter Pan’. This year the Wine and                     Down at the river bank

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