Page 17 - Luce 2015
P. 17

From the

                                                                                Director of Studies

                                                                                As Director of Studies it gives me great
                                                                                pleasure to present our students’ academic
                                                                                achievements for 2015. We can proudly
                                                                                say that we do not select students on their
                                                                                ATAR ranking, but rather with an eye to their
                                                                                personal qualities and scholarly ambition.
                                                                                We want students who genuinely embrace
                                                                                the privilege, and transformative potential,
                                                                                of University and College life.  Every year
                                                                                we take great care in selecting a diverse
                                                                                community based on gender, nationality,
                                                                                course, location and life experience. This
                                                                                makes for a rich and interesting community.
            Back row:  Marcia Chew, Donna Davies, Ariel Zelenikow-Johnston, Nadia Mazarakis,
            Fiona Cadorel, Dr Powell, Xavier Cadorel, Richard Liu               We are immensely proud of all of our
            Front row: Nicky Haslinghouse, Hamish Brown, Catherine Hart, Jamie Hart  students’ achievements. As in previous years,
                                                                                40% of all grades were First Class Honours
                                                                                and fully 90% in the Honours range, with a
            developed a JCH running team, facilitated  contribution to College life and we wish   remarkable grade point average of 78% across
            mindfulness workshops and delivered   both Hamish and Nicky all the very best
            ‘PLEASE MASTER’ seminars to promote   for the future.               the whole College.
            student wellbeing. Jamie and Catherine’s
            care and compassion for JCH students   Alex Eastwood joined the JCH tutor   We know that some of our students have a
                                                                                tougher road to travel during their time at
            will be missed.  We wish them all the   team at the beginning of 2015.  Within
            best as they welcome their second child    months of joining the team, Alex   University. These students deserve special
                                                                                commendation for their perseverance as do
            in 2016.                          was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship.
                                              Although Alex lived in residence for one   our whole community as we actively seek
            Hamish Brown, our residential Physics   semester only, his enthusiasm for life   to support and nurture each other on our
            tutor, had an outstanding year of   and passion for education allowed him   educational journey.
            professional success. In May Hamish   to make a formative impression on the
            concluded collaboration with scientists   JCH student body.  We thank Alex for his   Our wonderful results are the product
                                                                                of student application and a supportive
            at the National Centre for Electron   contribution to the College community
            Microscopy in Berkeley, California and   and wish him well as he commences his   academic environment facilitated by our
                                                                                talented tutors. Our small group tutorials
            Northwestern University in Illinois. The   Masters of Neuroscience at Oxford.
            results were published in an article in                             present the opportunity for students to
                                                                                consolidate their understanding whilst
            the journal Nature Communications   As the year comes to an end, I can’t help
            ( which details a   but reflect on what a privilege it is to live   exploring higher order thinking.
            world first direct imaging at atomic   in a community where the primary focus
            resolution of a sample surface using   is the empowerment of individuals to   Our tutors are examples of the highest
                                                                                academic and professional endeavour and
            secondary electron imaging.  In   reach their full potential. I would like to
            November Hamish was awarded The   take this opportunity to thank Dr Powell,   we also congratulate them on their success
                                                                                in 2015.
            Endeavour Research Fellowship, the Laby  Mrs Davies and the tutor team for their
            Foundation Travel Scholarship and the   support and to congratulate the students   I am delighted to be back at Janet Clarke Hall
            Australian Nanotechnology Network   of the College on a wonderful year.
            Travel Scholarship to visit Tokyo, Japan                            as Director of Studies and I acknowledge the
                                                                                significant work undertaken by my colleague
            for a six month collaborative research   Ms Fiona Cadorel
            project. Whilst in Japan Hamish will   Vice-Principal               Mr Jack Tan in the area of academic studies
                                                                                and support in Semester 1, 2015.
            work at the Crystal Interfaces Laboratory
            at the University of Tokyo to develop a                             Mrs Donna Davies
            new technique to image grain boundary                               Director of Studies
            materials in three dimensions using X-ray
            detectors. Grain boundary materials
            are used to construct battery cells
            and computer chips.  Hamish plans to
            complete his PhD in August 2016 and
            to pursue post-doctoral opportunities in
            Europe or the United States.  We wish
            Hamish all the very best for his research
            and thank him for his contribution as a
            residential tutor for the past two years.
            We would also like to thank Hamish’s   Alex Eastwood, Xavier Cadorel,   Wurrundjeri Elder Auntie Di Kerr with
            partner Nicky Haslinghouse for her   Jamie Hart                     Olivia Davies and Mrs Donna Davies
                                                                                                  J anet Clarke Hall  17
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