Page 40 - 2024 JCH Student Handbook
P. 40



        There is a photocopier for your use in the Library. The charge is 10 cents for every black and white
        page and 40 cents for any size colour page. Your photocopying and printing will be charged to
        your account at the end of each semester.

        The Bage
        The Bage is a separate common room that is generally used for reading and watching television.
        It is also a place where students can go in the evenings to have conversations so as not to disturb

        other students trying to study or sleep. Please keep in mind that students and staff live adjacent to
        and above the Bage, and noise levels must be respectful so as not to disturb others in the College
        community. The Verdon Library Literature Collection is located in the Bage. There are some
        wonderful books here; please read them. We have popular fiction as well as the classics.

        The Library
        The Library (also referred to as the Verdon Library or Reading Room) on the Ground Floor is the
        College’s designated quiet room for study. Please be conscious of not disturbing others in the

        Library – if you want to have an extended chat with someone, please do so outside.


        Laundry facilities are located in the following rooms: G17 (Main laundry), 150, 235, 250, 353.

        Each dryer has a lint filter which must be cleaned after every load. A filter with a build-up of lint is a
        serious fire hazard. Laundry hours are 8:00am to 11:00pm. This includes both the ground floor
        Laundry and any laundry facilities in bathrooms located throughout the College. Please respect

        these hours so as not to disturb students adjacent to and above the areas. As the laundry facilities
        can be in high demand, particularly on weekends, it is recommended students set a timer with a
        reminder of when their washing/drying will be finished. The clothes lines are located in the
        courtyard near the tennis court.

        Clothes left in the laundry for long periods of time will be removed and donated to charity.

        Crockery and cutlery
        We require your cooperation in returning cutlery and crockery to the kitchen. Crockery from the
        main kitchen should be returned straight to the kitchen at the conclusion of any meals and not

        kept in the pantries. It is frustrating for everyone if there is nothing to eat or drink from because
        students have not returned them to the kitchen. Any cutlery and crockery used outside of
        mealtimes (late meals, cups for tea and coffee) must be washed and stored neatly in the

        kitchenettes. A dishwasher is provided in the JCR kitchenette.

        If you are using the kitchenettes or pantries to cook, please ensure you clean up immediately

                                           Janet Clarke Hall Student Handbook 2024
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