Page 16 - 제37회 파스텔화협회 국제교류전 갤러리라메르
P. 16

KPAA Member                                                                                                                                                                                                         KPAA Member

                          조 안 석 Cho Anseok                         Cho Anseok

                          •경희대(서양화) 졸업 및 경희대 대학원(미술학) 졸업           •Earned BA Painting, MFA from Kyung Hee University
                          •개인전 14회, 부스개인전 16회                      •Held 14 solo exhibitions and 16 booth solo shows and participated in over 300 domestic
                          •국내외 단체전 및 기획초대전 300여 회 출품                  and international group exhibitions and invitational exhibitions
                          •2009~2021 한국구상대제전(예술의전당,한가람미술관)         •2009-2021   Korea Figurative Art Grand Exhibition, Hangaram art Museum, Seoul Art Center
                          •1999 대한민국미술대전 특선(국립현대미술관,과천)            •1999   Received a special prize at the 1999 Korea Art Exhibition,
                          •2004 대한민국예술원기획초대 '파스텔작가 6인 초대전'            National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon
                             (대한민국예술원 미술관)                         •2004  Six Pastel Artists Invitational Exhibition, the National Academy of Arts Republic of Korea
                          •2022 제9회, 제41회 국제파스텔협회전, 수상선정 심사위원      •2022  Judge of Awards-“9th & 41th” IAPS(International Association of Pastel Societies)
                          •대한민국미술대전 외 다수공모전 심사위원 및 운영위원 역임         •Served as a judge for multiple art competitions including the Korea Art Exhibition
                          •현재 : 미국파스텔화협회 정회원, 한국파스텔화협회 회장          •Currently, he is a member of the Pastel Society of America,
                          •C.P : 010-6217-2042                        the president of the Korean Pastel Association.
                          •E-mail :

          Song of life(생명의 노래), 53.0×39.0cm, Pastel on Paper, 2023

          16                                                    Lilac fragrance(라일락 향기), 97.0×162.2cm, Pastel on Paper, 2023
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