Page 24 - 제37회 파스텔화협회 국제교류전 갤러리라메르
P. 24

KPAA Member                                                                                                                                                                                                         KPAA Member

                          이 경 희 Lee Kyunghee                        Lee Kyunghee

                          •성신여자대학교 사범대학 미술교육과 졸업                  •Sungshin Women's University, College of Education,
                          •개인전 20회(국,내외)•단체교류전 320여 회(국,내외)          Department of Art Education.
                          •아트페어(한국,미국,프랑스,중국,일본,홍콩,싱가폴,           •20 times solo Exhibition (domestic and foreign)
                             말레이시아,네델란드,덴마크)등 참가                  •320 times group exhibition
                          •대한민국 미술대전심사,•부산미술대전, 경기미술대전,           •Participated in Art fairs (Korea, USA, France, China, Japan, Hongkong,
                             나혜석미술대전, 파스텔공모전 등 심사 및 운영위원 역임          Singapore, Malaysia, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany etc.)
                          •한국미협 여성분과부위원장 역임,                      •Review and operaction committee member for Korean Fine Arts
                             한국파스텔작가회 자문, KAMA 부산지부장                Association Exhibition, Busan Fine Arts Association Exhibition,
                          •C.P : 010-3556-7753                      Gyeonggi Fine Arts Association Exhibition, Rha Hyeseok Fine Arts
                          •E-mail :                Association Exhibition, Korean Pastel Artists Association contest etc.
                                                                  •Former Vice Chairman of the Women's Devision of the Korea Art
                                                                  •Advisory committee member for Korea Pastel Artists Association.
                                                                  •Branch Manager for the KAMA in Busan.

                                            Beautiful memories, 72.7×53.0cm, Pastel on Paper

                                                                         해바라기(Sunflower), 193.9×112.0cm, Pastel on arches

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