Page 16 - AGM 2021 Booklet_Flipbook
P. 16

The future of New Zealand dairying.
            Dairy Tomorrow is the sector strategy that charts our way to the future. Developed
            by industry leaders and stakeholders, it defines the goals to ensure the
            sustainability and prosperity of dairying and the wider community that the sector

            Strategy Vision
            Improving lives with every drop of New Zealand milk.

            Commitments and Goals
            Over the next decade and beyond, we will work collaboratively with others to
            achieve the following commitments and goals.

                            WE WILL PROTECT AND                              WE WILL BE WORLD LEADING
                            NUTURE THE ENVIRONMENT                           IN ANIMAL CARE
                            FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS

                            WE WILL BUILD THE WORLD’S                        WE WILL BUILD GREAT

                            MOST COMPETITIVE AND                             WORKPLACES FOR NEW
                            RESILIENT DAIRY FARMING                          ZEALAND’S MOST TALENTED
                            BUSINESSES                                       WORKFORCE

                            WE WILL PRODUCE THE                              WE WILL HELP GROW

                            HIGHEST QUALITY AND MOST                         VIBRANT AND PROSPEROUS
                            VALUED DAIRY NUTRITION                           COMMUNITIES

          16    Annual General Meeting 2021
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