Page 31 - AGM 2021 Booklet_Flipbook
P. 31

Melissa Munnik

            Southland Hub Leader

            It’s been a busy year for us down South,
            although with Covid restrictions in place we
            haven’t been able to hold some regional events
            as we had hoped. We have, however, held three

            very successful events. Make Time for Your
            People in March, presented by Kerrin Hotop,
            Lee Astridge and Rebecca Miller was very
            well attended with a lot of new faces eager to
            learn some tips on farm rosters and contracts,
            understanding the farming future, and building
            strong team relationships.

            Successful Calf Rearing in July, presented by Natalie Chrystal, Natalie Hughes and
            Samantha Edger, was also very well attended. Calf rearing workshops are always
            popular events for us and usually indicate that calving is not too far away, with
            plenty of ideas to be gained by attendees from connecting with other farmers.

            We also recently held an online webinar, From Calf Shed to Cow Shed, with
            Natalie Hughes and Steve Forsman. It was originally planned as an evening event
            but was turned into a webinar as Covid restrictions created a bit of uncertainty.
            Once again our presenters were amazing with a wealth of knowledge in their
            fields, and over 200 people registered for this event!

            The highlight of our year was our DWN2021 Step Up Together Conference in
            Queenstown. It was a day of connecting, learning, some laughs, and a great social
            get together at the end of the day. We were very lucky to have such a high calibre
            of presenters. The following day we held a social event at one of the top local
            vineyards, which around 40 women attended.

            In May, 6 of us headed to Hamilton to attend our Leadership Forum for personal
            development, and to connect with other Regional Leaders from throughout NZ.
            It’s an event we all look forward to as we gain so much knowledge and confidence
            to connect with our farming women.

            This year we also thanked and farewelled three amazing Regional Leaders: Anna
            Guien Dakila, Jessica Goodwright and Esmerelda Duffin. We also said a big “see
            you later” to Jess Moore, who stepped down as the Southland Hub Leader but
            who continues to run the DWN Business Group in Gore.

            In 2022 our focus is on reconnecting with our members. We are already planning
            future events with our Network Partners, with some events possibly in the
            evenings to give everyone a chance to attend.

                                                                       Annual General Meeting 2021           31
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