Page 7 - AGM 2021 Booklet_Flipbook
P. 7

celebrate that commitment of the women who make time, to dedicate their time,
            to our network. It is possibly one of the most favoured times on the calendar, for
            as a board and management team we are able to celebrate and endorse all that
            these women are to the Network. They wear the brand with pride, they go beyond
            the farm gate to ‘step up together’ as a group to bring knowledge and connection
            often when their own world behind the gate is full of all the challenges that
            they’re endeavouring to help others overcome.

            Our partners acknowledged that we stepped up. We managed change and
            challenge. Our capability and capacity were ever apparent. Their belief through
            continued partnering is in essence an indication of the value that the commercial
            arm of Dairy sees in us as an organisation and that we are able to deliver real value
            in what we do.
            A key take home this year has been that engagement is a highly competitive
            market. We are spoilt for choice when it comes to upskilling, being entertained or
            connecting. Webinars, Blogs, Facebook pages; Zoom and Teams are all platforms
            available to each of us. We can shy away from this or we can embrace it – DWN has
            embraced it. We will increasingly bring real, front of mind information through this
            medium. We will also harvest “the gold in the room” for we have the depth and
            the knowledge both within the Network and through strong relationships built up
            over time to walk these changing times with you.

            A culture of connection, care and transparency is often lead from the front, so
            I take a moment to thank the trustees for all that they do and contribute. The
            experience and the diversity of who they are, what they give and where they come
            from within the realms of dairy and wider aids in charting the path of the network
            forward. It’s also time as a network to thank and acknowledge the Head Office
            team for all that they do. They push through the challenges to ensure that we
            can come together, we can connect, we can learn, we can share… we can Step Up

            Together we will navigate a future that has to look bright for we all know within
            this network that this country was in part built on Dairy and ‘our future’ will be a
            big part of ‘its future’. Food, the people that produce it and the communities they
            live in are vital - let’s never lose sight of our purpose.

                                                                       Annual General Meeting 2021           7
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