Page 12 - 2022 OCFJSD Benefits Guide
P. 12

       Flexible                                                  Eligible Expenses      Contribution       Benefit

       Spending                                            Health Care FSA

                                                           Most medical, dental and
                                                           vision care expenses that are   Maximum     Saves on eligible
                                                                                                       expenses not
       Accounts                                            not covered by your health   contribution   covered by
                                                           plan (such as copayments,
                                                           coinsurance, deductibles,    is $2,750 per   insurance;
       The District provides the option for all staff members,   eyeglasses and doctor-  year          reduces your
       who are regularly scheduled to work at least 20 hours   prescribed over the counter             taxable income
       per week, to enroll in a third-party administered flex   medications)
       plan for reimbursement of dependent care and
       eligible medical expenses.  Staff members will be able   Dependent Care FSA
       to indicate the amount of money for qualified       Dependent care expenses
       purposes that they would like deducted, pre-tax, from   (such as day care, after   Maximum
       their salary to go into a flex account on an annual   school programs or elder   contribution   Reduces your
       basis, based on a calendar year.  Any unused funds at   care programs) so you and   is $5,000 per   taxable income
       the end of the Plan Year must be forfeited due to IRS   your spouse can work or   year
       rules.  The District’s Flexible Spending Account Plan   attend school full-time
       has a Grace Period. Grace Period is a 2 months + 15
       day-period after the end of a Plan year in which
       participants may incur new expenses but be          EXAMPLE
       reimbursed with last year’s FSA funds.  The District’s   Here’s a look at how much you can save when you use an FSA to pay
       Plan year is January 1 - December 31.               for your health care and dependent care expenses.

       This chart shows the eligible expenses for each FSA;   Account Type                With FSA      Without FSA
       how much you can contribute to each FSA each year,   Your taxable income           $50,000          $50,000
       and how you benefit by using an FSA.
                                                            Pretax contribution to
                                                            Health Care and Dependent      $2,000            $0
                                                            Care FSA

                                                            Federal and Social Security
                                                                                          $15,696          $16,350

                                                            After-tax dollars spent on
                                                                                             $0            $2,000
                                                            eligible expenses
                                                            Spendable income after
                                                            expenses and taxes            $32,304          $31,650
                                                            Tax savings with the Medical
                                                                                            $654            N/A
                                                            and Dependent Care FSA

                                                           *This is an example only; not your actual experience. It assumes a 25% federal
                                                           income tax rate marginal rate and a 7.7% FICA marginal rate. State and local
                                                           taxes vary, and are not included in this example. However, you will save on
                                                           any state and local taxes as well.
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