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What’s Covered?
                •  Aortic surgery                 •  Kidney failure
                •  Aplastic anemia                •  Loss of independent existence
                •  Bacterial meningitis           •  Loss of limbs
                •  Benign brain tumour            •  Loss of speech
                •  Blindness                      •  Major organ failure on waiting list
                •  Cancer (Life-threatening)      •  Major organ transplant
                •  Coma                           •  Motor neuron disease
                •  Coronary artery bypass surgery   •  Multiple sclerosis
                •  Deafness                       •  Occupational HIV infection
               •  Dementia                        •  Paralysis
                  (including Alzheimer’s Disease)   •  Parkinson’s disease
                •  Heart attack                   •  Severe burns
                •  Heart valve replacement or repair   •  Stroke                                                       OPTIONAL BENEFITS

              Your Children Are Also Covered for These
              Six Child-Specific Conditions

                •  Cerebral palsy                 •  Down’s syndrome
                •  Congenital heart disease       •  Muscular dystrophy
                •  Cystic fibrosis                •  Type 1 diabetes

              Visit to enrol within 31 days of your benefits eligibility date. See the
              Manulife Benefits Booklet for full definitions of the covered conditions.

                                  RATES  *  PER $5,000 OF CRITICAL ILLNESS COVERAGE — ASSOCIATE AND/OR SPOUSAL
                                           NON-SMOKER                            SMOKER

                  AGE BANDS           MALE             FEMALE             MALE             FEMALE
                     <25               0.95              0.96              1.08              1.05

                    25-29              1.04              1.09              1.22              1.21
                    30-34              1.23              1.41              1.57              1.63

                    35-39              1.53              1.91              2.34              2.40
                    40-44              2.23              2.69              3.93              3.67
                    45-49              3.61              3.96              6.62              5.66

                    50-54              5.93              5.73             11.11              8.68
                    55-59              9.41              7.96             18.15             13.10

                    60-64             14.58             10.74             27.05             18.46
                  CHILD — OPTIONAL CRITICAL ILLNESS INSURANCE           $2.17 per $5,000 of Coverage

                                                                                * Rates listed are per month

              FULL TIME AND REGULAR PART-TIME BENEFITS — OPTIONAL BENEFITS                                          17

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