Page 19 - Technip Energies 2022 benefits guide
P. 19

Disability Insurance – Lincoln Financial Group

        Short-Term Disability (STD)                             Long-Term Disability (LTD)

        While health insurance may cover most medical bills,    Long-Term Disability insurance provides partial
        daily living expenses such as rent or mortgage, car     income replacement if you are unable to work due to
        payments, and utilities continue. Technip Energies’     a qualifying illness or injury that extends beyond the
        short-term disability plan provides partial income      maximum duration for short-term disability.
        replacement if you are unable to work due to a
        qualifying illness or injury.                            LTD Benefits at a Glance
                                                                                LTD coverage is employer-paid.
         STD Benefits at a Glance                                               If you become disabled (as defined in the
                                                                                plan) and remain disabled through the
                        STD coverage is employer-paid.                          elimination period, the plan benefit pays
                        If you become disabled (as defined in the   Benefit     60% of your monthly covered earnings, less
                        plan) and remain disabled through the                   other deductible sources of income, such as
                        elimination period, the plan benefit pays               Social Security and workers compensation
                        100% of your weekly earnings for the                    (see your plan booklet for details). The
                        first nine weeks and 60% of your weekly                 maximum monthly benefit is $10,000.
         Benefit        earnings for the remaining sixteen weeks.  Elimination   Benefits are payable after a period of
                        The amount of your STD benefit will be   Period         180 consecutive days of disability.
                        reduced by the amount of benefits you are               You will be considered disabled if, during
                        eligible to receive from other sources, such            the elimination period and the next 24
                        as federal Social Security disability benefits          months of disability, you are unable to
                        or state disability benefits. See your plan   Definition of    perform the duties of your “own occupation”
                        booklet for details.                     Disability
                                                                                and thereafter, you are unable to perform
         Elimination    Benefits are payable after a period of 7                the duties of “any occupation.” See your
         Period         calendar days due to injury or sickness.                plan booklet for details.
                        You are unable to perform all duties of your   Maximum
         Definition of    job and under regular and continuing care   Duration  Please refer to your plan booklet for details.
         Disability     of a physician. See your plan booklet for
                        Benefits will end at either the end of the
         Maximum        disability or the end of 180 days of disability,
                        whichever comes first.

        Lincoln Financial Group is available 24/7 and offers direct
        access to claims/leave information. Quickly report a claim/leave
        and check its status using the employee resources and online
        tools available through Lincoln’s dedicated secure website
        at or contact them directly at

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