Page 8 - Technip Energies 2022 benefits guide
P. 8

2022 Employee Benefits

        Medical Plan –

        BlueCross BlueShield

        of Texas (BCBSTX)

        Technip Energies offers two medical Consumer Driven Health Plans (CDHPs): Prime Plus and Prime
        administered by BlueCross BlueShield of Texas. You have the option to open a Health Savings Account (HSA)
        alongside your medical plan choice. The HSA is administered by Fidelity Investments. If you cover a spouse
        who has coverage available through his or her employer, you will pay a $60 bi-weekly spousal surcharge.

                                              Prime Plus                                    Prime
                                   IN-NETWORK         OUT-OF-NETWORK          IN-NETWORK          OUT-OF-NETWORK

         Calendar Year Deductible
         Individual                   $1,750               $3,750                $3,250                $7,250
         Family                       $3,250               $7,250                $6,250               $14,250
         Calendar Year Out-of-Pocket Maximum (Includes Deductible)

         Individual                   $3,750               $10,750               $6,250               $14,250
         Family                       $7,250               $21,250               $12,250              $21,250
                                                You pay                                    You pay
         Coinsurance                   20%                  50%                   20%                   50%

         Retail Rx * **
         Generic                                  $5                                          $5
         Formulary                             30% to $75                                 30% to $75
         Non-Formulary                        50% to $100                                 50% to $100
         Mail Order Rx (up to 90-day supply)
         Generic                      $12.50                 N/A                 $12.50                 N/A
         Formulary                  30% to $200              N/A               30% to $200              N/A
         Non-Formulary              50% to $250              N/A               50% to $250              N/A

           * 90-day prescriptions are available for retail and mail order. The pharmacy benefit management is administered by CVS Caremark.
         ** Copays apply after the deductible has been met.
            Please refer to your plan booklet for details.

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