Page 4 - Texas Rangers 2022 Front Office Flipbook
P. 4


        What is a Family Status Change?                            Eligible Dependents
        A  family  status  change  is  a  life  event  that  may  allow  an   Your  dependent  must  meet  one  of  the  following
        Employee  to  add  or  drop  coverage. The  change  must  be   definitions:
        consistent  with  the  event  and  documentation  must  be
        provided to Human Resources within 30 days.                Spouse: Your legally married husband or wife
                                                                   Child(ren): Children to age 26 (married or unmarried)
        Family status changes are:
            •   Marriage                                           Children  include  natural  children,  stepchildren,  legally
            •   Divorce                                            adopted  children,  children  placed  for  adoption,  and
            •   Birth                                              children who you are legally appointed as guardian.
            •   Adoption
            •   Death                                              Disabled  Child:  unmarried  child  who  is  mentally  or
            •   Child reaching age 26                              physically handicapped (handicap sustained before the
            •   Child’s loss of eligibility on another plan        age of 25) and incapable of engaging in self-sustaining
            •   Spouse’s gain or loss of other coverage            employment  due  to  such  incapacity,  Dependent  on
                                                                   your IRS tax return.
        NOTE:  A family status change allows a plan change (i.e.
        Plan A to Plan B)                                          A  child  is  automatically  terminated  from  medical,
                                                                   dental, vision and life insurance coverages the last day
        All  payroll  deductions/refunds  due  resulting  from  plan   of the month he/she attains age 26.
        changes  will  be  taken  on  the  next  paycheck.  Deductions
        and refunds are based on the effective date of the change.

                    Eligible                     Documents Required                           Due

                  Dependents                         for Enrollment                           Date
                    Spouse                          Marriage License                        30 Days
                *Child/Stepchild                     Birth Certificate                      30 Days

                                              Adoption Documents & Birth
                 *Adopted Child                                                             30 Days
                                              Placement Documents & Birth
           *Child Placed for Adoption                                                       30 Days
                                             Notification from State Attorney
        *Qualified Medial Support Order                                             As directed by AG’s notice
         Child age 26 or over incapable
          of self-sustaining employment
           due to a mental or physical       Attending Physician Statement                  30 Days
                                       *Dependents must be less than 26 years old
          Enrolling someone who is not qualified as a dependent is considered insurance fraud.

        2022 Rangers Baseball LLC (the Texas Rangers) Benefit Guide                                            Page 4
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