Reedley Exponent 12-20-18 E-edition
P. 1

A Mid Valley Publishing Newspaper Serving “The World’s Fruit Basket” since 1891
Vol. 129, No. 51 | Thursday, December 20, 2018 Reedley (Fresno County) CA 93654 | 50 cents
State plans to sell Reedley’s Armory building
The state has an- nounced plans to sell the Reedley Armory building that is the home site for the Reedley Area Veterans organization.
Jon Earnest / The Exponent
of abuse
Assembly member faces willful cruelty charge in case involving daughter, 7
Staff Report
Joaquin Arambula, represen- tative for the state 31st Assembly District that includes Reedley, was arrested Dec. 11 on a misdemeanor charge of willful cruelty in con- nection with a Dec. 10 spanking incident involving his 7-year-old daughter.
Arambula, who has served more than two years
in the State As-
sembly, was pro-
cessed and re-
leased after prom-
ising to appear in
court at a future
date. The charge
is willful cruelty
to a child.
Fresno police did not release the name of the child, but Arambula said in a subsequent news interview that the victim in question was his daugh- ter. He said that the injury was the result of a spanking.
Arambula’s office issued a statement on Dec. 11 which said: “Joaquin is a committed father who wants what is best for his children. He is fully supportive of the process, which will show he is a loving and nurturing father.”
Jerry Dyer, Fresno police chief, told ABC 30 in an interview that the child is no longer in contact with Ar- ambula and has been placed with a relative. He added that the assembly member does not pose a risk to any other children.
The misdemeanor willful cruelty charge carries a sentence of up to
See ARAMBULA on page A8
Exponent office closed on Dec. 25
The business office of The Exponent will be closed on Tuesday, Dec. 25, in observance of Christmas.
The business office also will be open from 8 a.m. to noon on Christmas Eve, Mon- day, Dec. 24.
There will be early dead- lines this week because of ear- ly production. Classified liner ads and legal notices are due by noon on Thursday, Dec. 20. Regular and classified display ads also are due by noon on Thursday, Dec. 20.
The Exponent’s office will reopen for business at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 26.
Veterans advocate
voices concern to city
By Jon Earnest
Susan Lusk is prepared to “make some noise” for what she deems is a looming threat to local veterans — the impending sale of the Reedley Armory building where veterans groups have
long met and used.
At the Dec. 11 Reedley City Council
meeting, Lusk spoke for just more than four minutes in public comment read- ing a statement about the plans for the state of California – which owns the building — to end its lease deal and sell the building at 601 E. 11th St.
The Armory building has long been the home site for the Reedley Area Veterans and the American Legion, and has hosted a number of veterans-themed events.
“As a Gold Star Mother, I consider myself part of the veteran community in Reedley,” Lusk said in reading her statement. “After meeting with and talking to members of both the Ameri- can Legion and the Reedley Area Veter- ans, I believe that what we need to do is ‘make some noise’!”
Lusk said the reason for her state- ment was to get the word out to the
See ARMORY on page A3
The arrest oc-
curred after Child
Protective Servic-
es was called to Dailey Elementary Charter School in Fresno after it was determined that a child had an injury.
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Joaquin Arambula
Photos by Jon Earnest / The Exponent
ABOVE: Volunteers in the background place wreaths at veterans’ gravesites in Reedley Cemetery after a ceremony on Dec. 15. BELOW: Doves circle past the American flag in the Veterans Circle at Reedley Cemetery after being released during the ceremony.
BELOW RIGHT: Reedley High School senior Christopher Lopez plays “Taps” on his trumpet during the ceremony.
Annual ceremony provides holiday adornment at veterans’ gravesites
Wreaths to remember
School district levels old warehouse
Danny Jimenez / Photo Contributed
Construction crews began tearing down the exterior walls of a warehouse on Kings Canyon Unified School District property north of Reedley High School on Dec. 17.
Demolition part of planned improvements at RHS
Staff Report
Construction crews this week began demolition of buildings on Kings Canyon Unified School Dis- trict property just north of Reedley High School, including tearing down the former sites of the dis- trict’s transportation mechanics shop and mainte- nance building.
On Dec. 17, crews knocked down exterior walls of the warehouse just north of high school buildings that once housed offices and work area. By Dec. 18, the building was expected to be completed taken down. Demolition was scheduled to coincide with winter vacation break at the high school and district.
The complete demolition job is expected to be done by Christmas, and the RHS campus is on Christmas break until Monday, Jan. 7.
The site of the former KCUSD administrative offices eventually will be converted to expansion of athletic fields, anchored by a new varsity baseball diamond and grandstand.
By Jon Earnest
For another Christmas, the in- terred veterans in Reedley Cem- etery will be remembered and hon- ored throughout the holidays.
The fifth annual Wreaths for Reedley Veterans ceremony took place on Dec. 15.
Attendees and volunteers watched a solemn ceremony featur- ing presentation of colors, the re- lease of doves, the playing of “Taps” and time to remember the departed veterans, many who lived long lives
after their military service and some who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Sylvia Lopez was volunteering to help hang wreaths on donated metal stands at gravesides of veterans. It was a special task for the 77-year-old Reedley resident whose husband, Antonio, died in June. Antonio Lopez was a master sergeant in the United States Army who served two tours in Vietnam.
“This is so important for me to do, especially this year,” she said. “It’s a beautiful tribute they do.”
See WREATHS on page A8

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