P. 3

Traffic Sens Courseware (Level 1 & 2)                                                                                            Utilsens Technologies Pvt Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Monday, 24 June 2019
              ICON                                                         Scenario description for LEVEL1
                          6. Overtaking vehicles

                          NEVER overtake vehicles from the left lane - It is not wise to overtake or pass a vehicle when the other vehicle's driver
                          is already starting to overtake, your vehicle or is behind yours in a lane next to yours.  Always be aware of your blind

                          7. Driving in wrong lane
                          DO NOT drive in the wrong lane.  Be disciplined in your approach to reaching your destination.  DO NOT take illegal


                          8. Give way to priority vehicles
                          Give way to emergency vehicles like an Ambulance by slowing down, alerting the vehicles behind you, with appropriate
                          indicators, moving carefully to the left lane to leave the right lane free

                          9. Overtaking on a curved road

                          Overtaking is prohibited on a curve as you may not have a clear view of the road ahead and sometimes, it may lead to
                          serious accidents.  Be patient and follow the car in front of you

                          10.Lane discipline during a turn

                          When you want to make a right turn while another vehicle is also doing the same, then maintain your heading switch on
                          the appropriate indicator, make the right turn whilst keeping your vehicle aligned to the corresponding lane of the road
                          you're turning into WITHOUT veering into another vehicle's path

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