P. 7

Traffic Sens Courseware (Level 1 & 2)                                                                                            Utilsens Technologies Pvt Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Monday, 24 June 2019
                  ICON                                                          Scenario description for LEVEL2

                                   22. DIAGONAL Parking spots
                                   The term diagonal parking means parking the vehicle at an angle to the curb of the road.
                                   • First and foremost look through the mirrors and over the shoulder for traffic behind you.
                                   • Give the left indicator to signal to the vehicle behind that you intend to park the vehicle.
                                   • Steer into the provided parking space and straighten the wheels.

                                   • Keep equal distance on both the sides, pull the handbrake and shift into first or reverse gear.
                                   For Exit: Look through the rear view mirrors and over the shoulder, if the way is clear then reverse slowly. Check
                                    that there is no vehicle, take extra care of cycles, rickshaws and pedestrians.

                                   23. FUEL STATIONS
                                   It is reasonable to expect some queuing for service at petrol pumps. However, if the arrival rate of
                                   customers exceeds the service rate then queue lengths and delays may become excessive, or
                                   , alternatively customers may purchase fuel elsewhere. While entering to and exiting from the fuel station, slow
                                   down. Follow the queue where necessary. To facilitate this requirement no pump should be located within 7 metres

                                   of any point on a driveway. This allows one vehicle to queue behind another that is being served.

                                   24. Unparking
                                   Please change multiple lanes one after another, while looking into the mirrors.
                                   While changing multiple lanes, position your vehicle to the centre of the lane

                                   Check your mirrors
                                   Adjust your speed
                                   Look for a suitable gap
                                   Indicate for 3 seconds
                                   Check mirrors and blind spot

                                   Steer the vehicle smoothly into the other lane

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