P. 4
Traffic Sens Courseware (Level 1 & 2) Utilsens Technologies Pvt Ltd.
Monday, 24 June 2019
ICON Scenario description for LEVEL1
11. Lane Discipline during a casual lane change
If you want to change a lane and move towards right, do it gracefully and gradually by using right indicators and giving
sufficient right of way to the other vehicles
12. Lane Discipline while negotiating traffic
Vehicle wanting to take a right is in the left most lane should move gracefully to the right most lane and proceed
13. Overtaking before a turn
Vehicle wanting to overtake must take great care so as to not veer into opposite lane and onto the incoming traffic
14. Negotiating intersections
Always stop your vehicle BEFORE the intersection and cross the road once the traffic, flow permits. NEVER block
traffic by partially entering the intersection
15. Parking spots
Parking inappropriately is illegal. When you park your vehicle, make sure that it does not cause any hurdle or
disturbance to any other road users
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