P. 8

Traffic Sens Courseware (Level 1 & 2)                                                                                            Utilsens Technologies Pvt Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Monday, 24 June 2019
                  ICON                                                          Scenario description for LEVEL2

                                   25. SINGLE LANE ROUNDABOUT
                                   A roundabout is an intersection with an island at its centre.
                                   When approaching a single-lane roundabout, you must decide which exit you want to leave by:
                                   • if you intend to turn left (leave before you are half way round), you must give a change of direction signal to
                                   your left as you approach

                                   • if you intend to turn right (leave after half way round), you must give a change of direction signal to your right
                                   as you approach
                                    • If you intend to go straight on, you do not need to give a change of direction signal as you approach.
                                   When approaching a multi-lane roundabout, you must:

                                   • position your vehicle in the correct lane before you reach the roundabout
                                   26. MULTI-LANE ROUNDABOUT
                                   You must also choose the right-hand lane if you want to go all the way round and return the way you came.
                                   You must give way to vehicles already in the roundabout. You should also take particular care of vehicles

                                   approaching or about to enter from your right because they may enter the roundabout before you.

                                   27. MULTI-LANE DRIVING
                                   While changing multiple lanes, position your vehicle to the centre of the lane

                                   Check your mirrors, Adjust your speed, Look for a suitable gap
                                   Indicate for 3 seconds
                                   Check mirrors and blind spot
                                   Steer the vehicle smoothly into the other lane

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