P. 9

Traffic Sens Courseware (Level 1 & 2)                                                                                            Utilsens Technologies Pvt Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Monday, 24 June 2019
                  ICON                                                          Scenario description for LEVEL2

                                   28. FLY OVERS
                                   Do not try to overtake on a flyover or a bridge. Wait for your turn to cross a narrow flyover/bridge and police

                                   29. UPHILL DRIVING

                                    As a rule of thumb, pass other vehicles when driving uphill only when absolutely necessary. If, for instance, a
                                   vehicle is driving so slow that it’s affecting your ability to ascend, signal that you’re passing them with your turn
                                   indicator. Overtake them only if you can clearly see far enough ahead to complete the pass.   Do not overtake

                                   hastily. Passing on a hill or curve is legal only if there’s at least 500 ft. (150 m) of visibility. For others, it’s advised
                                   to overtake another vehicle only if you can see 1⁄3 mi (0.54 km) ahead.

                                   30. DRIVING IN RAIN

                                   Slow down. Your vehicle’s reaction time is much slower when it is raining. Reduced speed is imperative in rainy
                                   Turning on your vehicle’s headlights will increase both your own visibility and other drivers’ ability to see your car
                                   on the road.
                                   Use your windshield wipers. Turn off cruise control.

                                   Maintain a long distance from other vehicles and avoid heavy braking.
                                   Watch out for standing water. Driving through standing water can cause your car to hydroplane, or skid across
                                   the surface of the road.

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