Page 5 - Representative Course Guide - Publisher
P. 5
· We have a great new color line that you should convert to.
· Let me ask around to see if other salons are having the same issue.
· We’re having a balayage class in three weeks. Let’s get your stylists registered.
· Take two aspirin and call me on Monday.
0DQDJLQJ WKH 0HHWLQJ Fairly early in the conversation establish a time limit for your meeting, and then strictly
adhere to it. Never presume, even if the conversation is going very well, that you are invited to extend the deadline.
Instead, stop the conversation, tell your customer that the agreed-upon time has arrived and suggest you return
at a later date. Let the customer invite you to stay, or suggest a day and time to finish the call. If you were in the
middle of a solution to his/her most pressing issue, you may suggest an interim measure such as “Let me give
you these samples to get you through until we can find a permanent solution.” Respecting the customer’s time is
like gold when you next meet.
.HHSLQJ QRWHV No matter how good you think you are, and no matter how smart your phone is, there is still
a ton of value in recording the meeting off-line. Use a contact management application, or a note card, to record the
problem, your promises, internal follow-ups and the next step including completion deadlines for yourself. The next time
you meet, you can start the conversation with “Remember that problem we were working on…?” What is the customer
thinking, if only sub-consciously?
· Here comes the sales pitch.
· What’s this going to cost me?
· She listened to me!