Page 6 - Representative Course Guide - Publisher
P. 6
6D\LQJ WKDQN \RX Even a text message as simple as “Thanks for letting me help.” Is extremely effective. In fact,
you should average two to three “Thank yous” for each encounter. “Thank you for your time.” and “Thank you for
inviting me back.” are each effective long before you send out “Thank you for your order.”
$YRLG WKH SURGXFW GXPS It is a knee-jerk reaction we all have: we want to tell our future customer
everything: here are our products; here’s our delivery policy; here’s our return policy; here’s our price list; look at these
samples; we have great deals this month; etc. It’s called “drinking from a fire hose.”
Remember your opening question about solving their problem? It applies at every step. If you want to leave a
complete product list, fine. But you want to highlight only those products that lead to a solution. Next visit you
will have a new problem to solve, a new solution and (hopefully) a new order to fill. Eventually, you will have a
customer that won’t deal with anyone else.
(GXFDWLRQ LV NH\ Bring the customer to an education event; even if it is a picnic at a local park, and even if the
“training” is mostly a day away from the shop. Mix your customers together with time to talk and enjoy each other. Be
the host: introduce them to each other; show them where the refreshments and the rest rooms are; clarify the program
times, place and subject matter; and, of course, thank them for coming.
Your course offerings should be about problem solving: issues facing the industry or new techniques that their
customers are asking about. It shouldn’t be an infomercial. (Unless you’re selling food processors, of course.
Everybody loves food processor demos.) Seeing the “right” way to cut or style; seeing a shortcut to get the same
result as the long method; seeing an expert approach a hair problem with confidence.
· All these steps we suggest leave lasting impressions that connect both you and your company with quality. The
quality of your education will be a huge plus.