Page 7 - Representative Course Guide - Publisher
P. 7

7KH WHDP EHKLQG \RX          Here’s where you brag about your team.  And, brag about the team you deal with at
         your brands.  Speak to their ability to solve a shipping issue, for example.  Or, returns.  Pledge to take ownership of every
         problem, seeing it through to a satisfactory conclusion.  Do not lead with this, however.  That’s why it’s this far down in
         the list.


         Let’s look at the person you are dealing with, so you will have a better understanding of what underlying biases you may
         have to overcome.
                2ZQHU RI D VDORQ FKDLQ   The following issues are probably foremost on the mind of an owner with 30+
                stylists in two or more locations.  Rank these issues you believe are most important from 1 (most important) to 5
                (least important).  Refer to this list in a month to see if your predictions were correct.

                ___Cost of rent
                ___Cost of product
                ___Recruiting and Training new stylists
                ___Retail sales
                ___Staff morale
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12