Page 12 - Representative Course Guide - Publisher
P. 12
6ROLG FRQVLVWHQF\ Can you imagine every tube of 7N color you open being slightly different than the last one?
This actually happens. It happens when a color brand farms out its color to any of several manufacturers. Think the
manufacturer with the least stringent quality control, thereby having the cheapest price, is often the winner?
The makers of both Nouvelle color systems, Color Effective and Lively, and who also make Eslabondexx Color, fill
over 30 million tubes of color each year. And, since these brands are their own, internationally known brands,
quality control and pigment purity are paramount.
· Unlike brands sold by some “stars” in the industry, none of our products are private-label offerings.
)DVKLRQ \RX ZHDU HYHU\ GD\ More than ever people (both men and women) are aware of the simple fact that
hair is fashion you wear everywhere, every day. Change the color because your team is on a winning streak. Change the
style for work; change it again to party. Wash it before work, after your workout, and maybe again that evening, just to
be sure.
8QGHUVWDQG (VODERQGH[[ ILUVW We like to look at Eslabondexx™ as a hair care insurance policy because it
provides protection from chemical treatments, shampoo and drying techniques as well as environmental exposure.
The Eslabondexx™ protective system was founded on our proprietary salon system. The Eslabondexx™ salon kit
has two components. Part 1 is the Connector. Connector is built into our color and bleach. Part 2 is the Amplifier
which is used at the conclusion of the chemical service, including color and bleach. It not only closes the cuticle
but it locks in the protective benefits provided by Eslabondexx™ .
The protective benefits of any Eslabondexx™ service can be extended by our at-home Step 3 Sustainer product.