Page 16 - Representative Course Guide - Publisher
P. 16
Selling to a Hair Salon-Part Four, Tips for Field Reps
6FKHGXOH DSSRLQWPHQWV Freestyling may get you in front of a salon owner, but only if you have a reference from
the owner’s friend. “Doris said to say Hi! And she mentioned you were looking at a new color line. When would be a
good time to talk.” That’s a whole lot better than “I’m Linda and I’m here to tell you about our great Summer Sale.”
You might have a routine calling day, perhaps going to one set of shops on Tuesday, another set of shops on
Wednesday, etc. But, prospective customers want that first call to be made in advance.
7HUULWRU\ PDQDJHPHQW Schedule your furthest distance appointment as the first appointment of your day.
Why? This way each of your next appointments should bring you closer to home. This means you will still be fairly fresh
and looking at a short ride home, even late in the day.
It also means you would be better able to respond to a personal emergency more quickly as the day progresses.
You know that call from the school nurse asking you to pick up your sick child? Yes, it happens.
6XVWHQDQFH If eating lunch in your car is truly necessary, plan to bring a sandwich and a drink with an
emphasis on neatness. You don’t want good nutrition so much as “safe” food. Fast food? Chicken fingers without
sauce; French fries without ketchup. You get the idea. Nothing to spill on your clothes.
Or, how about arranging a quick lunch for both you and the salon owner. Since you made the appointment, ask
if you could bring in lunch (a salad, maybe) and spend your time talking business without taking him/her away
from the shop. Then again, away from the shop might be just what they need, but, let them suggest it.