Page 13 - Representative Course Guide - Publisher
P. 13

+DLU 3URWHFWLRQ 6\VWHP   You should to be able to easily convey the message that Eslabondexx™ is a hair
                protection system. There is nothing on the market that directly compares with Eslabondexx™, although it is often
                seen as being in the same space as other “bond-building” products. The niosome delivery system coupled with
                scientifically calibrated ingredients form what we refer to as Nio-Protect Technology.
                       In October, 2018 we added a full line of styling products, each of which contains our Nio-Protect
                       Technology.  If the Eslabondexx™ label is in the product, Nio-Protect Technology is built in.
                1LR-3URWHFW 7HFKQRORJ\ LV OLNH D IROOLFOH ILUHZDOO        Customer expectations continue to evolve.
                Their hair is more in need of protection than ever.  Ok, you ask, “We have Nio-Protect Technology.  Why should I
                or my client care?” This is not just sizzle, this is truly the steak.
                       Nio-Protect Technology is not something that your client is going to ask for by name, but what they
                       crave is the result that this technology delivers:  Pliable, soft, supple hair that behaves like it did in their
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