Page 15 - Representative Course Guide - Publisher
P. 15

Bottom line:  Be persistent.  Show pictures.  Offer demo’s and invites to training classes, and, wherever possible,
                ask your management for training to include hands-on experience for your most reluctant stylists.
         1RW ZLOOLQJ WR DOORZ EUDQG GLYHUVLW\              Salons with Aveda or Paul Mitchell branding on the front will be
         pretty much impossible to switch their color systems.  However, you don’t know (unless another stylist rumored that they
         were unhappy) until you ask.  Side-by-side selling can work in a salon where their current product line does not have a
         balayage bleach or hair protection, for example.  Or, how about a PPD-free, ammonia-free system?
                You can bet they have sent many other reps away with a simple, “We are an Aveda salon.”  But, a look in the
                back room would show that there will often be off brands being used for specific clients.  Your best approach
                should be centered around “You don’t want to lose a customer because you don’t have a product that does this,
                do you?”
         (DVH RI WUDQVLWLRQ       It isn’t always about buying out their current stock.  Sell yourself, and the many salons you
         have converted through your personal commitment.  Plus, don’t forget you have taken ownership of the salon’s success.
                Only you can make it easy.
         7UDLQLQJ                 We’ve touched on this a couple of times.  You need to demonstrate that stylists will get the
         training they need in a format that’s interactive and somehow personal.  Only then, do your owners and stylists relax.
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