Page 14 - Representative Course Guide - Publisher
P. 14

Selling to a Hair Salon-Part Three, Overcoming Objections

         &RVW RI SURGXFW          Of 39 color systems known in the United States, an independent study comparing the cost
         of 4 ounces of mixed color and developer, Eslabondexx™ Color was shown to be well below average.  In fact, it was tied
         for 26  place.  When a bond-builder was added to each of the other colors, changing the cost of product in the bowl,
         Eslabondexx™ Color proved to be the cheapest – hands down.
         (DVH RI XVH              Without minimizing the skills needed to mix and apply hair color, assure your customer
         none of the Nouvelle colors are difficult to mix.  However, our colors require precise measurements to produce
         consistently beautiful results.  Insist they use a scale when mixing our colors.  Remind them that mixing color is science;
         applying it is art.
         6DORQ¶V &XVWRPHUV¶ XQZLOOLQJQHVV WR VZLWFK   This one can be tricky.  It’s often simply an excuse designed to
         make you go away.  Sometimes it is masking the stylist’s fear of the unknown.  As an observation, most customers are
         unaware of which products are being used.  That said, switching color systems can produce slight variations in a
         customer’s hair color.  Most often, with our color systems at least, it is because the stylist mixed the color with 20 volume
         developer instead of our recommended 10 volume.
                If your company has  an academy or a willing partner, arrange for the key stylist to sit in on a session, or “ride
                side saddle,” spending half a day in your trainer’s salon, getting more comfortable with the product.  Suggest
                they use the product on a few of their own customers who would be comfortable with a change in product.
                After a successful test run, the stylist can choose to tell every customer that their shop is using a different color
                system, or simply let the results speak for themselves.
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