Page 387 - PARAMETER D
P. 387

Part Five – Student Manual

                        5.14. Dropping of Subjects
                        5.14.1. A student may, with the consent of his Instructor or Adviser and the College Dean, drop
                                 a subject before midterm by filling up a dropping subject form;
                        5.14.2. No dropping of subjects shall be permitted after the specified period except for justifiable
                                 reasons  and  upon  recommendation  of  the  Instructor  or  Adviser  concerned.    The
                                 corresponding fee thereof shall be paid at the Cash section;
                        5.14.3. Dropping a subject shall be allowed before the midterm examination. The student is given
                                 a dropped “D” as a remark.  After the midterms, the student who drops is given a
                                 failing grade of 70%; and
                        5.14.4. Refund of tuition and laboratory fees for the subject to be dropped shall be allowed
                                 subject to the following: (Refer to refund of fees):
                    If dropping the subject is done due to cancellation/merging of the subject by
                                       the University; and
               If dropping of the subject/s was due to sickness, duly supported by a medical certificate
                                       issued/verified by the School Physician or any government physician.

                        5.15. Substitution of Subjects
                        5.15.1. Every substitution of a subject shall be based on at least one of the following:
               When a student is pursuing a curriculum that has been superseded by a new one and
                                   the substitution tends to bring the old curriculum in line with the new;
               Conflict of time between two (2) required subject;
               When a required subject is not offered during the semester/summer but is needed by
                                   the student; and
               In case a student fails a major or elective subject, he can enroll an alternative as long
                                   as he meets the required number of units without repeating the failed subjects.

                        5.15.2. All petitions for substitution shall be covered by the following rules:
                Petition  shall  be  submitted  to  the  office  of  the  Vice  President  for  Academic
                                   Affairs/Campus Director through the Dean concerned within one (1) week from the
                                   date of the regular classes.
                        Any petition submitted thereafter shall be considered only for the following semester or term;
               Petitions shall only involve subjects within the same department, if possible.  If not,
                                   the two subjects concerned must be allied;
               Petition shall only be allowed when the substitutes carry a number of units equal to or
                                   more than the units of the required subject;
               No substitution shall be allowed for any subject prescribed in the curriculum in which
                                   the students are enrolled, except if the proposed substitute covers substantially the
                                   same subject matter as the required subject;
               All applications for substitution shall be acted upon by the College Dean concerned
                                   immediately upon receipt thereof.  In case the action of the College Dean is adverse
                                   to the recommendation of the adviser and the department chairman concerned, the
                                   student  may  file  an  appeal  thereon  with  the  Vice  President  for  Academic  Affairs
                                   whose decision shall be final; and
               A student who failed in a subject not required in his curriculum has the option not to
                                   repeat the failed subjects.


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