Page 388 - PARAMETER D
P. 388
Part Five – Student Manual
5.16. Petition for Unscheduled Subjects
Subjects not regularly scheduled for a given term shall be offered upon written
request of at least fifteen (15) non-graduating students or five (5) graduating students
during the term, duly endorsed by the College Dean and approved by the University
President upon recommendation of the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Campus
5.17. Class Size
Generally, the number of students to compose a class shall be fifty (50) for lecture
and forty (40) for laboratory classes.
5.18. Changing of Class Schedule
Students may be allowed to transfer to other classes only for valid reasons and upon
the recommendation of the college dean/department chairman and approval of the
registrar and copy furnish the campus director and the vice president for academic
5.19. Dismissal and Suspension of Classes
5.19.1. Classes shall not be dismissed by an instructor or professor ahead of the scheduled time,
without authority from his department head, except in unusual cases for which a report
thereon shall be submitted to the department;
5.19.2. Classes shall be dismissed ten (10) minutes before the scheduled time to allow enough
time for students to transfer from one room to another;
5.19.3. Instructors are not allowed to suspend classes of another instructor for purposes related
to her/his activities unless properly coordinated and approved by the College
Dean/department chairperson;
5.19.4. For activities not included in the school calendar, written approval of the Vice President
of Academic Affairs/Campus Director is the basis for class suspension; and
5.19.5. All University classes shall automatically be suspended when signal No. 3 are raised in
the area by concerned authorities. The University President may, at his wise
discretion, suspend classes when signal No. 2 is raised in the area.
5.20. Transfer of Time and Room Schedule
No instructor shall transfer the holding of his class/es to any other hour other than that
officially scheduled. Neither shall he meet his students for class or consultation purposes
in any unscheduled room or place except when properly recommended by the College
Dean, the duly approved form for transfer of time and room schedule and forwarded to
the Campus Director/Vice President for Academic Affairs, provided that no student is
affected by the said transfer.
5.21. Attendance and Tardiness
5.21.1. Students are required to attend their classes from the first day of school. Students who
do not come during the first day of classes are marked absent;
5.21.2. A student who has been absent in class shall not re-enter the class without an admission
slip issued by the College Dean/Department Chairperson or his/her authorized
IFSU code