Page 389 - PARAMETER D
P. 389
Part Five – Student Manual
5.21.3. When a student has accumulated the number of absences midway the allowable limit, 5
absences for a 3 unit lecture subject, submit a permit from the Guidance Office.
5.21.4. The policy, NO ADMISSION SLIP, NO ENTRY, is followed;
5.21.5. The checking of attendance is the responsibility of the teacher. On the other hand it is
the responsibility of the student to keep track of his absences. This is in consonance
with CHED prescription that every school should keep attendance records of all
students so that the data on enrollment, attendance, tardiness, transfer, and
separation from school can be easily and speedily checked;
5.21.6. The basic rule on absences is that if a student has incurred absences of more than 20%
of the required number of class and laboratory periods in a given subject is given a
DROPPED (D) mark;
5.21.7. Absences and Make-Up Work/ Special Quizzes/Examinations. Absences during classes
for whatever reason or purpose are taken against the student. However, a student
may make up for any work missed during an excused absence. A student with an
excused absence is given a special quiz/class work and must be taken within one week
after the student has resumed attending classes. If a student fails to take the special
quiz within the allowable period, he shall be given no score or a failing mark in the
missed quiz/class work;
5.21.8. A student who misses a quiz/class work due to unexcused absences will not be given a
score or credit for that quiz or class work missed. In like manner, a student given an
“excused” admission slip should be given consideration to take special
quiz/examinations. Otherwise, the teacher may consider not to include the missed
quiz/activity in the computation of the grade should the student not be given special
quiz or activity;
5.21.9. Students who are physically absent from the class due to participation in Athletic Meets,
conferences, trainings, workshops and other student activities where they represent
the University shall not be considered absent. Missed quizzes/activities during said
meeting/training shall not be included in the computation of grade;
5.21.10. Time lost by late enrolment shall be considered as time lost by absence;
5.21.11. Tardiness. Students are marked “late” if they arrive within the first 15 minutes of the
class period. If the student enters the class after 15 minutes, he is marked absent
even if he is allowed to join the class for the remainder of the period. Students who
leave the class after the roll call and not return or only returns towards the end of the
period is considered absent;
5.21.12. Although members of the faculty are expected to begin their classes promptly, various
contingencies which are sometimes unavoidable may cause some faculty members to
be late for class. In such case, students should not leave the class until after 15
minutes; and
5.21.13. Call Slip. No one is allowed to disrupt the class by calling on a student during class
hours without an official call slip issued by the Dean, Guidance Counselor, Registrar,
or the DSSD Director.
5.22. Study Load
5.22.1. An undergraduate student enrolled in a regular semester is limited to take the specified
number of academic units in the curriculum he/she is enrolled in;
5.22.2. The student’s checklist includes the regular number of units that a student has to carry
within a semester; and
5.22.3. A graduating student is allowed to carry not more than 28 units in a regular semester.
IFSU code