Page 394 - PARAMETER D
P. 394
Part Five – Student Manual units (1 lect., 6 lab.) = 33% for lecture & 66% for laboratory units (3 lect., 3 lab.) = 75% for lecture & 25% for laboratory units (2 lect., 6 lab.) = 50% for lecture & 50% for laboratory units (3 lect., 6 lab.) = 60% for lecture & 40 % for laboratory
Other conditions favorable to the student shall be left to the discretion of the instructor.
5.32. Incomplete Grades
5.32.1. “Inc.” shall be given when a student whose class standing throughout the semesters is
passing but fails to appear for the final examination or fails to complete other
requirements for the course due to illness or any other valid reasons. If, in the opinion
of the department head the absence is justifiable, the student may take a special
5.32.2. In case the class standing is not passing and the student fails to take his examination for
any reason, a grade of “5” shall be given.
5.32.3. In any such event, it shall be the responsibility of the faculty member concerned to submit
to the University Registrar the completion grade using the prescribed form thereof and
to furnish a copy to the concerned student, the department chairman and the College
Dean within the one-year period reckoned from the end to the semester wherein the
grade of incomplete had been given.
5.33. Special Examinations
5.33.1. Removal examinations due to the inability of a student to take the final examination shall
be covered by the following rules: The removal examination may be taken during regular examination periods if the
course in which a student failed to take his final examination is included in the
schedule of examination for the period during which said removal examination is to
be taken. Removal of the deficiency shall be done within the prescribed time by passing the
examination or meeting all the requirements of the course after which the student
shall be given a final grade based on his overall performance. The period within which, a student takes the removal of a mark of “Inc” shall not extend
beyond one semester from the date the mark was received. A mark of “Inc.” not
removed within the prescribed period shall automatically become a “5” or its
equivalent. Only one re-examination shall be allowed which shall be taken within the prescribed
period. If a student does not remove the grade of “inc.” within the reglamentary
period, a grade of 5 or its equivalent shall be entered in his student records. A removal examination may be taken at another time, subject to the approval of the
instructor and department head and upon payment of the corresponding special
examination fee per subject. In case the instructor concerned is on the study leave, resigned, transferred, or in any
instance will not be available for a period of the one semester or more, the College
dean or department chairman concerned shall designate another instructor to give
the validating/ removal examination or accept the completion requirement and
therefore empower him to give the appropriate grade thereof.
IFSU code