Page 398 - PARAMETER D
P. 398
Part Five – Student Manual
6.2. Procedures
6.2.1. General Educational Tour A faculty duly authorized by the respective Dean of each College in the University shall
be given designation as Field Trip Coordinator to be in-charge of the conduct of the
Educational Tour and/or Field Trip for the School Year. The faculty duly authorized by the concerned College to handle educational tours and/or
field trips shall conduct a survey of all sites proposed for the tour. As much as
practicable, the destination of educational tours and/or field trips should be near the
University in order to minimize cost. It should be in line with the objectives of the trip
as required in the curriculum. The coordinator shall submit the result of the survey and submit to the College Dean for
scrutiny and give proper recommendation that will benefit the students. The College
Dean will then forward the results to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Prior consultation with the concerned students shall be undertaken to discuss the cost,
destination and other details and related matters regarding the conduct of the
educational tour and/or field trip. This shall be documented with a minutes of meetings
and attendance of the students. For the safety and convenience of the touring party, advance and proper coordination
with the concerned places to visit shall be undertaken. The coordination shall take
place one month before the conduct of the tour. Not later than one week before the date of the scheduled educational tour, the faculty
concerned shall submit the duly accomplished Request Travel to the University
President for his approval through the respective Department Chairman, college Dean,
DSSD Director, and the VPAA, using the form prescribed therefore; The DSSD shall check if the educational tour and/or field trip requirements are complied
with based on the checklist of requirements (Annex), and then submits the checklist
to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Upon approval of the request for an educational tour, all College deans must require the
submission of parents’ permits by their students. Thereafter, the approved request for
the tour, together with the parents’ permits is returned to the DSSD Director. The College Deans and DSSD shall make sure that the students should have purchased
travel insurance before the conduct of the field trip. The VPAA shall be furnished with a copy of the agreement between the Transportation
Co. Manager and the respective College Deans at least three (3) days before the
scheduled trip. Within five working days after the trip, the teacher in-charge/manager of the tour per
College shall
submit a duly signed report and a financial statement about the tour to the respective
College Deans, DSSD Director and the Vice President for Academic Affairs; In the event that tour guides and tour companies will be utilized, only accredited Tour
Operators and Tour Guides from the Department of Tourism shall be engaged by the
University. To ensure quality and professional conduct of tours, only travel and tour
operators and tour guides accredited by the Department of Tourism shall be engaged
by the University. It shall be a basic responsibility of the VPAA to monitor the implementation of
educational tours and to recommend ways and means by which tours and field trips
can be systematized to ensure maximum benefits derived there from.
IFSU code