Page 396 - PARAMETER D
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Part Five – Student Manual Magna Cum laude – 2 years of residence with general average of 93% – 96% with no
grade lower than 85% in any subject. Summa Cum laude (with highest honors) – 3 years residence with general average of
97% and above with no grades lower than 90% in any subject.
5.36.2. The Deans of the respective College/Department shall initiate the giving of awards to
5.36.3. Candidates for honors must have no record of any subject failed and or dropped.
5.36.4. Grades in any of the components of NSTP shall be excluded from the computation of the
5.36.5. In the computation of average grade for academic honors, the following system shall be
used: Average grade shall be computed in four (4) significant figures, which shall finally be
rounded off to two (2) decimal places (three significant figures). In rounding off numbers, the following shall be observed: If the fourth significant figure (third decimal number) is less than five (5), the
three significant figures shall be retained. If the fourth significant figure is five (5) or more, the third (the decimal number)
significant figure shall be increased by one (1). This shall be followed in the computation of grades for purposes of scholarship,
University scholarships and applications for grants-in-aid privileges. In no case shall the student under this section obtain any rating lower than
“75%’ in any subject.
5.37. Special Citations
5.37.1. Graduate achievers could be given the following awards: Outstanding Student of the Year (1 per college/department) Athlete of the Year ROTC Cadet/tte Officer of the Year Leadership Awardee & etc.
5.37.2. Awards to other student achievers shall also be given by the respective College/Institute
as selected by the selection committee within the College/Institute.
5.37.3. The graduate who shall take the highest rating based on specific criteria is the one to be
awarded. The College Dean and the core faculty members in the College shall
compose the selection committee.
5.37.4. The Vice President for Academic Affairs shall approve all recommended awardees by the
College/department Committee headed by the Dean/department chairman whereas
for the other campuses, it shall be the Campus Director.
5.38. Ecumenical, Baccalaureate and Commencement Exercises
5.38.1. The ecumenical baccalaureate services and commencement exercises for all graduating
students of the University, including those who receive titles and certificates below the
bachelor’s degree shall be held on a date fixed in the University calendar.
5.38.2. All graduating students shall attend commencement exercises and ecumenical
baccalaureate services as scheduled unless the Office of the Registrar, in concurrence
with the College Dean concerned, recommends the graduation of a student in absentia
IFSU code