Page 400 - PARAMETER D
P. 400

Part Five – Student Manual

                The  rest  of  the  amount  shall  be  claimed  after  presenting  the  required  documents
                                   (receipts, hospital bills, medical certificate, incident report, etc.)
               It is advisable that official receipts of expenses incurred during the medication and/or
                                   hospitalization period be kept intact.

                        7.2.3. The claimant shall follow-up the remaining balance at the Accounts Office.

                        7.3.  Other  provisions  not  mentioned  herein  is  subject  to  the  Board  of  Trustees  approved
                                guidelines Resolution No. 864 s. 2007, approved on July 19, 2007 title, “ISCAF Students’
                                Mutual Aid Program”, and other future amendments to the said BOT Resolution.

                        7.4. Student’s contribution from all IFSU campuses for the mutual shall be deposited in a trust
                                fund. It shall become a centralized fund for all students in all IFSU campuses.

                                                         CHAPTER 8

                        8.1. Protection of Students’ Rights
                                      The rights of students prescribed in existing laws shall be protected at all times
                               and their guaranteed freedom shall not be abridged.

                        8.2. Duties and Responsibilities of Every
                        Student 8.2.1. Every student in the University
               Strive to lead an upright and useful life;
               Exert his utmost to develop his potentials for service through the pursuit of an education
                                   suited to his talents and abilities;
               Respect the customs and traditions of our people, the duly constituted authorities, the
                                   laws of the country, and the principles of democracy;
               Participate actively in civic affairs and in the promotion of the general welfare and the
                                   common good;
               Help in the observance and exercise of individual rights, the strengthening of freedom,
                                   and the fostering of cooperation;
               Respect and cooperation with teachers, fellow students, and school authorities in the
                                   attainment of order in the college; and
               Exercise his rights with responsibility and with due respect for the rights of students.

                                                         CHAPTER 9
                                       STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINE

                        9.1. Norms of Conduct
                        9.1.1. All students, by virtue of their enrolment to the institution, shall adhere to existing rules
                                and regulations of the school.
                        9.1.2. Every student shall wear the prescribed uniform on the days specified by the University.


                                                           IFSU code
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