Page 404 - PARAMETER D
P. 404

Part Five – Student Manual

                         9.7.4.   Entering the school  Reprimand and a    10 days suspension    1 semester    Dismissal
                                using fake,        letter of apology     and promissory note    suspension
                                tampered, and/or
                                borrowed ID
                         9.7.5.   Misrepresentation   1-10  days  suspension  11-30 days       1 semester     Dismissal
                                of the University.   and letter of apology    suspension and   suspension
                                Using the name of                        promissory note
                                the university for
                                personal interest
                                prejudicial to the
                                interest of the
                         9.7.6.   Unauthorized use    Reprimand and a    11-30 days            1 semester     Dismissal
                                of school facilities,   letter of apology    suspension and    suspension
                                equipment or                             promissory note
                         9.7.7.   Littering in the   Cleaning in a       Cleaning a designated  6-15 days    1 semester
                                campus             particular designated   area for 5 days and   suspension   suspension
                                                   area for 1 day and a    promissory note
                                                  letter of apology

                        9.7.8. Spitting betel nut    Fine of P50 for every
                               anywhere in the    violation
                               campus not
                               designated for its
                        9.7.9. Smoking within the   Fine of P150 for every  Fine of 500 pesos    Suspension  1 semester
                               campus premises    violation                                   for 10 days   suspension
                               (not designated for
                               its purpose)
                        9.7.10. Any form of  Cheating Zero score and a letter  Zero score and 10 days  Failing grade  Dismissal
                               in examinations/tests of apology         suspension with
                               /quizzes                                 promissory note

                        9.7.11.   Theft/stealing   Replacement/payment  Replacement/payment  Dismissal
                               within     the     of stolen item/s and 10  of stolen item/s and
                               university’s       days suspension       16-30 days suspension
                               jurisdiction       with a letter of apology   with promissory note
                        9.7.12. Gambling anytime in  1-10 days suspension   11-30 days suspension  1 semester   Dismissal
                               any form within the  and a letter of apology   and promissory note    suspension
                               jurisdiction  of  the


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