Page 408 - PARAMETER D
P. 408

Part Five – Student Manual

                        9.7.30. Indecent acts or   10 days suspension and  21-30 days suspension  Dismissal
                               grave scandal      letter of apology     and
                                                                        promissory note

                        9.7.31. Illicit sexual relations  1 year suspension and  Dismissal
                                                  promissory note
                        9.7.32. Rape
                        a. Attempted Rape         Dismissal

                        b. Consummated Rape       Dismissal

                        9.7.33. Malversation of funds

                               P2,000.00 and below   Payment of the amount  Payment of the amount  Dismissal
                                                  and 1-29 days         and 30 days to 1
                                                  suspension and        semester suspension
                                                  letter of apology     and
                                                                        promissory note
                                More than
                                P2,000.00         Payment of the amount
                                                  and 1 semester        Dismissal
                                                  suspension and
                                                  promissory note

                        9.7.34. Joining, instigating or 1-30  days  suspension Dismissal
                               leading      rallies, and promissory note
                               demonstrations  and
                               other   forms    of
                               unapproved    group
                               action  which  create
                        9.7.35. Posting,          1-30 days suspension   1 Semester  Suspension  Dismissal
                               distributing,      and a letter of apology    and promissory note
                               disseminating and
                               circulating leaflets
                               and other printed
                               matters that tend to
                               instigate subversion
                               towards the
                               government and
                               cause chaos in the


                                                           IFSU code
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