Page 406 - PARAMETER D
P. 406
Part Five – Student Manual
prohibited drugs
within the campus
9.7.20. Carrying deadly 1-30 days suspension 1 semester suspension Dismissal
weapons, and a letter of and a promissory note
explosives and apology
materials in the
9.7.21. Minor acts of Refurbishing the 1-10 days suspension 11-30 days 1 semester
vandalism (writing, damaged property, and promissory note suspension suspension
drawing and carving reprimand and a letter
on walls, tables, of apology
chairs, and
the like)
9.7.22. Serious acts of Refurbishing the 1 semester suspension Dismissal
vandalism, damaged property and and
destruction of school 1-30 days suspension promissory note
property, equipment, with a letter of apology
instruments, etc
9.7.23. Uttering defamatory, 1-30 days suspension 1 semester suspension Dismissal
slanderous and and letter of apology and promissory note
statements/remark s
and or gossiping or
rumor mongering
with the intention of
destroying the
reputation of any
member of the
school community
9.7.24. Ridiculing or 1-30 days suspension 1 semester suspension Dismissal
discrediting any and letter of apology and
member of the promissory note
school community
through writing
invectives, personal
insults, black
propaganda and
IFSU code