Page 406 - PARAMETER D
P. 406

Part Five – Student Manual

                               prohibited    drugs
                               within the campus

                        9.7.20.  Carrying  deadly   1-30 days suspension   1 semester suspension  Dismissal
                               weapons,           and a letter of       and a promissory note
                               explosives   and   apology
                               materials  in  the
                        9.7.21. Minor acts of     Refurbishing the      1-10  days  suspension 11-30 days   1 semester
                               vandalism (writing,  damaged property,   and promissory note    suspension   suspension
                               drawing and carving   reprimand and a letter
                               on walls, tables,   of apology
                               chairs, and
                                 the like)
                        9.7.22. Serious acts of   Refurbishing the      1 semester suspension  Dismissal
                               vandalism,         damaged property and  and
                               destruction of school 1-30 days suspension   promissory note
                               property, equipment, with a letter of apology
                               instruments, etc

                        9.7.23. Uttering defamatory,  1-30  days  suspension 1 semester suspension  Dismissal
                               slanderous     and  and letter of apology    and promissory note
                               statements/remark s
                               and  or  gossiping  or
                               rumor    mongering
                               with the intention of
                               destroying     the
                               reputation  of  any
                               member    of   the
                               school community
                        9.7.24.    Ridiculing   or 1-30  days  suspension 1 semester suspension  Dismissal
                               discrediting any    and letter of apology    and
                               member of the                            promissory note
                               school community
                               through writing
                               invectives, personal
                               insults, black
                               propaganda and


                                                           IFSU code
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