Page 407 - PARAMETER D
P. 407

Part Five – Student Manual

                        9.7.25. Disrespecting     1-30  days  suspension 1 semester suspension  Dismissal
                               school personnel by  and letter of apology    and promissory note
                               ridiculing, mocking,
                               and instigating a
                        9.7.26.  Extortion  (forcibly Payment of exact   1 semester suspension  Dismissal
                               asking  money  from amount and 1-30 days  and promissory note
                               anybody            suspension with a letter
                                                  of apology
                        9.7.27. Any acts of violence
                               resulting to physical
                               injuries within the
                                                  1  –  15  days  suspension 16 – 30 days suspension Dismissal
                               Slight Physical    with a                with
                               Injuries           letter of apology     promissory note

                               Less Serious       30 days suspension    Dismissal
                               Physical Injuries    and letter of apology

                               Serious Physical    Dismissal
                        9.7.28.  Forging,  falsifying, 15-30 days suspension  Dismissal
                               and tampering school and letter of apology
                               records,  documents
                               and      credentials.
                               Furnishing the school
                               with      fraudulent
                               documents and other
                               information      in
                               connection  with  an
                               official   document.
                               Forging         the
                               signatures       of
                        9.7.29.  Sexual  Harassment  10 days suspension and  16-30 days suspension  Dismissal
                               (Offender       has  letter of apology    and promissory note
                               authority  over  the
                               victim)/   Acts   of
                               (offender of the
                                same level)


                                                           IFSU code
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