Page 409 - PARAMETER D
P. 409

Part Five – Student Manual

                        9.7.36. Organizing and joining 1-30  days  suspension Dismissal
                               any       fraternity,  nd promissory note
                               sorority  and  other
                               student organizations
                               which are not
                               authorized, create
                               disorder and
                               disciplinary problems
                               in the campus.
                        9.7.37. Attempted Robbery   15-30 days suspension  1 semester suspension  Dismissal
                                                  and letter of apology    and
                                                                        promissory note

                        9.7.38. Frustrated Robbery   1 semester suspension  Dismissal
                                                  and promissory note

                        9.7.39. Robbery           Dismissal
                        9.7.40. Any of other      10 days suspension and 16- 30 days Suspension  Dismissal
                               misbehavior or     letter of apology     and promissory note
                               misconduct which
                               may endanger or
                               threaten the health /
                               safety / lives/
                               property of an
                               individual in the
                               University premises
                               or which may
                               adversely affect the
                               students’ welfare as
                               members of the
                            1)  The commission of third offense (any) regardless of its classification, the penalty shall
                                be suspension for one semester, and dismissal and persona non-grata for the fourth
                            2)  Penalties  for  other  offenses  not  mentioned  herein  shall  be  decided  by  the  Student
                                Grievance Committee basing from either the General law, school policies, resolutions
                            3)  Criminal/Grave  offenses  should  be  referred  to  proper  authorities  in  accordance  with
                                existing legal processes.
                            4)  Indefinite preventive suspension on the erring student while his/her case is being heard
                                should be implemented as a form of protective/preventive measures for the University
                                to protect its constituents and properties from further damage.


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