Page 399 - PARAMETER D
P. 399

Part Five – Student Manual

                        6.3. Evaluation of Fieldtrips
                                     The participating students shall fill up the educational tour evaluation form. The
                              evaluation will be conducted by the DSSD. The DSSD will process the data and the result
                              shall  be  given  to  the  College  concerned  and  the  VPAA  for  documentation  and  future

                        6.4. Duties/Responsibilities of Class Treasurer/Business Manager
                        6.4.1. Collect authorized money/contribution from students joining the field trip and be held
                                responsible for safekeeping of the amount collected; and
                        6.4.2. Reimburse to student contributors any amount not spent during trip not later than five
                                days after the trip.
                        6.5. Duties/Responsibilities of Students joining the Field Trip
                        6.5.1. Submit parent’s permit to attend the field trip to instructor-in-charge;
                        6.5.2. Pay money/contribution to the class treasurer/business managers on or before the set
                         deadline; and
                        6.5.3. Adhere  strictly  to  the  written  instructions  about  the  field trip  especially  in  getting  the
                                desired information, which the trip is designed to give.

                        6.6. Cancellation/Suspension of Educational Tours and/or Field Trips
                        6.6.1. The Vice President for Academic Affairs is hereby given authority to revoke/cancel any
                                field trip, if the terms herein stipulated had not been complied with or violated, and a
                                derogatory report, complaint, misbehavior of faculty or students have been reported. It
                                shall be duly investigated and the concerned teacher, if found neglectful of his duties in
                                relation of the field trip shall be suspended/barred for two years in conducting another
                                field trip in any of his subjects.

                                                         CHAPTER 7
                                              STUDENTS MUTUAL AID SYSTEM

                        7.1. Student Mutual Aid System
                                     All students are encouraged to avail of the Student Group Insurance Package/IFSU
                              Student Mutual  Aid  Program to  be  paid  during  the  first  semester  of  enrolment  at  the
                              Cashiering Office.

                        7.2. Application
                        7.2.1. Present the current registration form at the DSSD Director
               Pay the required amount for the insurance at the Cashiering Office.
               Sign in the official logbook for insured students and claim insurance certificate.

                        7.2.2. Process of claiming insurance benefits
               Report the incident immediately to the DSSD.
               The DSSD validates and confirms the report.
                The  DSSD  recommends  the  release  of  an  initial  amount  from  the  Accounts  Office
                                   depending on the assessment of the case.


                                                           IFSU code
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