Page 395 - PARAMETER D
P. 395
Part Five – Student Manual
5.33.2. The removal of “Inc.” due to inability to submit requirements on time shall be subject to
the following: When the required project, experiment, write-ups, term papers, terminal or summary
reports, examinations and other relevant requirements shall be completed by the
student within the one year grace period, the INC shall still appear in the transcript
of records and the completion grade shall be placed beside it (e.g. INC/75) or to be
placed under the column for re-exam (e.g. Grade – INC; Re-Exam = 75). Non-compliance of the requirements within the reglamentary period of one year shall
turn the “inc.” to a grade of “5” or its equivalent.
5.34. Zero Academic Deficiency
All candidates for graduation in all the Colleges of the University must have Zero
Academic Deficiency in order that they may be allowed to participate and join the
graduation exercises.
5.35. Requirements for Graduation
5.35.1. As early as the end of the student’s junior year, the College Dean and the University
Registrar shall make evaluation of the student’s deficiencies.
5.35.2. Graduation of students shall be covered by the following: A student shall be recommended for graduation only after he shall have satisfied all
academic and other requirements for graduation prescribed in his curriculum. A candidate for graduation shall file his application for graduation at the University
Registrar using the form prescribed in his curriculum. The University Registrar, in consultation with the respective College Dean, shall check
the academic record of each candidate with the view to ascertain whether any
candidate has any deficiency to make up for and whether he has fulfilled all the
requirements which would qualify him to be a candidate for graduation. All candidates for graduation shall fulfill all requirements for graduation not later than
one week before the Academic Council meets to act on the candidates for
graduation. At least two days before the Academic Council Meeting herein mentioned, the University
Registrar shall publish and issue each member of the Academic Council a complete
list of duly qualified candidates for graduation for the particular term. No student shall graduate from the University unless he shall have completed at least
two years or at least 50% of the total academic credit hours required in the
curriculum for residence work which may, however, be extended to a longer period
by the proper faculty member after evaluation of his pertinent records. The two
years residence work herein referred to be immediately prior to graduation.
5.36. Graduation with Honors
5.36.1. Students who complete their courses with the following averages computed based on
the prescribed number of years with options of taking summer and carry a load of not
less than 21 units or the regular load of the particular course per semester shall
graduate with honors: Cum laude – 1 year residence in IFSU prior to graduation with general average of 89%
– 92% with no grade lower than 80% in any of the subjects earned from first year
to fourth year.
IFSU code