Page 391 - PARAMETER D
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Part Five – Student Manual 75% of the amount paid when he withdraws from the date of enrolment to the first
week of classes during the semester and two days after the start of classes during
summer. 50% of the amount paid when he withdraws within the second week to fourth week
of classes during the semester, or within a week during summer.
th No REFUND shall be made after the 4 week or 30 days after the date of registration
during the semester or 5 days after registration during summer. In case of death of a student within the semester or summer, reimbursement of the
actual amount paid shall be given to his parents, guardian or legal heirs upon
request thereof, subject to provisions in 5.26.1 to Any student who is drafted for trainee instruction or called to active military duty in
accordance with the National Defense Act shall be refunded the proportion part of
the total amount paid for his and other fees, except entrance fee, for the term
during which he is drafted or called to military training: provided that no refund of
the proportional part of the said fee shall be allowed beyond the fiscal year during
which the fees had been paid, subject to provision in 5.26.1 to
5.27. Charges Upon Withdrawal/Dropping
5.27.1. In the undergraduate/graduate programs, students who withdraws/drops his/her
enrolment shall be required to pay the following: Dropping/withdrawal fee of Php30.00
5.28. Refund of Excess Payment of Fees. Refund of excess payment of fees by students
shall be allowed upon submission of a written request for refund by the student
supported by the student’s statement of account showing the excess payment.
5.29. Examinations
5.29.1. As a rule, there shall be two (2) long examinations to be given during a particular
semester or a summer term.
5.29.2. The midterm and the final examination periods are programmed in the Academic
Calendar and such examinations shall not be given outside of these periods unless
otherwise authorized by the Vice President for Academic Affairs or his duly authorized
5.29.3. Laboratory examinations may be given a week before the scheduled final examination:
Provided, that the conduct of said examination shall not interfere with the holding of the
other regular classes.
5.29.4. All examinations shall be adequately proctored.
5.29.5. All result of quizzes, examination and the like taken by a student shall be made accessible
to him and he shall be free to verify results of the same and ascertain how his score
have been duly transmuted by his professor.
5.30. Examination Permits
5.30.1. An examination permit shall be required of each student during the midterm and final
5.30.2. One week before the midterm examination, a student must secure a clearance form and
an accounting slip indicating his financial obligations from the Accounting Section. This
slip shall be presented to the cashier’s office together with his payment. Once his
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