Page 393 - PARAMETER D
P. 393

Part Five – Student Manual

                              Table 5.2. Point and Percentage (%) System with Equivalents for the Master’s Programs
                                   Grade in percent Equivalent     Letter         Number             Descriptive
                                                                   Grade         Equivalent          Equivalent

                                            98-100                  A              1.00               Excellent
                                            95-97                   A-             1.25           Very Satisfactory

                                            92-94                   B+             1.50             Satisfactory
                                            89-91                   B              1.75           Fairly Satisfactory

                                            85-88                   B-             2.00                Good
                                          84 & below                C+             5.00                Failed
                              D – Dropped    NMT – No Midterm Test
                              Inc. – Incomplete  NFT – No Final Test

                               Table 5.3. Point and Percentage (%) System with Equivalents for the Doctorate Programs
                                   Grade in percent Equivalent     Letter         Number             Descriptive
                                                                   Grade         Equivalent          Equivalent

                                            98-100                  A              1.00               Excellent

                                            95-97                   A-             1.25           Very Satisfactory
                                            92-94                   B+             1.50             Satisfactory

                                            89-91                   B              1.75                Good
                                          88 & below                B-             2.00              No Credit
                              D – Dropped    NMT – No Midterm Test
                              Inc. – Incomplete  NFT – No Final Test

                        5.31.3. Computation of Grades
               The  formula  for  the  computation  of  grades  for  the  midterm  and  final  grades  shall
                                   generally be as follows:
                                   Midterm                        =      CS (2) + ME
                                   Tentative Final Grade          =       CS (2) + FE
                                   Final Grade                    =      TFG (2)+ MG
               Graduate programs. Computation of grades for the graduate programs shall be based
                                   on the Graduate Programs manual.

                        5.31.4. The weighted percentage ratios for courses with laboratory shall be as follows:
                  units (2 lect., 1 lab)  =  75% for lecture & 25% for laboratory
                   units (2 lect., 3 lab.) =  66% for lecture & 33% for laboratory

                                                           IFSU code
   388   389   390   391   392   393   394   395   396   397   398